Monday, December 28, 2015

Concussion Update

It has been over two years since I got a concussion, it seems like it has only been a couple of months.  The neurologist said that I should have no problem getting back to normal, but I'm not sure that I will ever be exactly the same as before my concussion.  So far it isn't anything big, just small things that are annoying.  I will be writing and I will add another letter or change a letter to a word so I erase a lot or I will ask a question that I asked a little while ago and not remember asking the first time, sorry to my family:)  The biggest thing that I have noticed is that time is different.  I'm not sure if I can explain exactly, but I will try.  Some days time will pass and I believe it has only been a short period of time and it has been hours or vice versa.  Time has become something else ever so slightly different than before, but it is different.  It is almost tangible.  I know that probably sounds weird, but that's all I got.  So nothing major, just annoying things.  I do feel like if I don't do something then it may get worse.  I need to write more often and I should read more than watch TV, paint, use my left hand more than my right.  Those are all good for my brain so I need to make that a priority this coming year.  I know this is nothing compared to what some people I know are going through right now (miscarriage, brain cancer, little child in wheelchair with a ventilator no knowing if she will be her old self again, marriages falling apart).  So forgive me if my spelling is wrong or if my sentences do not make any sense.  Give grace and it will be given to you.

Whatever each one of us has to live with or go through, God is enough, even if we do not understand the reason.

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