Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Quote - New Year & Making Goals NOT Resolutions

"What the New Year brings to you will depend a great deal on what you bring to the New Year."   
~ Vern McLellan

In January people focus on what they didn't do right the year before and make a list of resolutions that may lead to more disappointment in the coming year.  By the time February roles around many resolutions are long gone.  Then we add more guilt onto ourselves for not changing, which never does any good.  Without God there is little chance of doing anything right.  The first step should be to pray for help, God may show you ways to achieve your goals that you may never think of.  Second, we should focus on a list of goals and break them down to manageable pieces.  Aiming too high builds us up for a great fall.  Place the list where it will be a reminder and know that you don't have to get it all accomplished in one day or a few months, you have an entire year and more to work on it.  Know that you are not alone there are millions of us who are wanting to make changes.

What are the most important goals for you?  Whatever they are you will put all your time and energy into changing them if you are motivated.  Figure out the different areas in which you wish to improve; spiritual, physical, mental, financial, career, etc.  Even if you list one thing in each category that would be a great start, then break down each one into small steps that are within your grasp and can be accomplished.  Don't think that this is just for you, I am in need of a good pep talk too!  We are creatures of habit so I hope you will join me and try to break some bad habits and make changes so that new habits will eventually take over the bad ones.  I pray that we will grow closer to God this year and grow in wisdom so that we will be prepared for the chaos of this world.  

May God say "Well done my child" when we meet Him in the end.

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